Publishing Metrics

Once initialized, the DecaLog SDK is ready to publish metrics.
This publishing is a two step process: you must first register the metrics you want to publish, then update their values.

Registering metrics

To register a metric, you must know to which profile to attach this metric – “production” or “development” – and of what type is this metric (please, read the WordPress monitoring section).
You can then register it with create methods:


    $metrics = \DecaLog\Engine::metricsLogger( 'my-plugin-slug' );

    $metrics->createProdGauge( 'my_first_metric', 0, 'Free something ratio - [percent]' );
    $metrics->createDevCounter( 'my_second_metric', 'Size of something - [byte]' );Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Updating metrics

Now, somewhere else in your code, you can update the previously registered metrics:


    $metrics = ;

    \DecaLog\Engine::metricsLogger( 'my-plugin-slug' )->setProdGauge( 'my_first_metric', 28 );
    \DecaLog\Engine::metricsLogger( 'my-plugin-slug' )->incDevCounter( 'my_second_metric' );Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Best practice and limitations

It is a best practice to perform long-running operations in the WordPress shutdown hook. So, it is obviously a good place to compute some metrics as they are inclined to be resource intensive and this should be considered as a best practice too.
Keep in mind, however, that anything that happens after the DECALOG_MAX_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY will be dropped by DecaLog.


    // 'my_first_metric' will be updated:
	function() {
		\DecaLog\Engine::metricsLogger( 'my-plugin-slug' )->setProdGauge( 'my_first_metric', 28 );

    // 'my_first_metric' will never be updated:
	function() {
		\DecaLog\Engine::metricsLogger( 'my-plugin-slug' )->setProdGauge( 'my_first_metric', 28 );
    );Code language: HTML, XML (xml)